Thursday, October 22, 2015

Steps towards whole food living and vegan mayo recipe

About a million years ago I posted that I was going to begin a whole food plant based diet to try to deal with my health issues. So far I've been pretty lackadaisical with my commitment to getting healthy. For example, VOMD and I spent $40 on vegan donuts this weekend and ate half of them before Tuesday. But a recent blood test reaffirmed that I need to get my shit together and take my health seriously. 

Yesterday I have started a new regime that eliminates wheat products (pasta, bread, etc), caffeine, and processed sugar as the first step towards finding what is causing my skin problems. I have suspected for a long time that I might have a mild sugar or gluten allergy, a theory which was reinforced by talking to a friend at the pub who explained that he had similar responses to dairy - that is, the feeling of being hungover without drinking alcohol, puffy sinuses, skin abrasions and itching, and a general feeling of complete crappiness. For breakfast yesterday I ate an insanely large bowl of brown rice noodles with broccoli and mushrooms, and for lunch I had brussels sprouts and green peppers. For my intermittent snacks throughout the day I had amazing organic grapes and for dinner I had a nice stir fry with button mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini, and sweet potatoes. Oh! and I made my own mayo for VOMD's lunchtime sandwiches! I followed this recipe...sort of. Here's what I ended up doing:

Vegan Mayo:
1 cup unsweetened organic soy milk 
2 1/4 cup grapeseed oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp Redpath brown sugar
1.5 tsp ground mustard 
2.5 tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice

Blend all the ingredients except the lemon juice until it is smooth and has reached your desired consistency, then add the lemon juice slowly and keep blending until well combined and your mayo is thick, creamy, and spreadable!

This morning I still felt a little hungover but I think this is a good first step.  

Happy Thursday, folks!


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