Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Dietary Veganism?

I need to just rant a little bit right now, and I know that it is going to annoy some people. I am a member of a page/group on Facebook dedicated to connecting vegans in Hamilton and I have thus far loved reading  about peoples' experiences of being vegan in Hamilton and found it overall very helpful in finding community events, food, and so forth in the city. However, recently there have been some arguments about the definition of veganism and it has caused quite a ruckus, leading the admins to state that they  would like such talk to cease.  Some members have been  rightly irritated by the Hamilton Halton Animal Liberation Front (HALT)'s support of native hunting rights, and have started exploring why and how supporting such an organization is against vegan values. Others disagree vehemently. Some names have been thrown around back and forth.

I wouldn't dare put my voice in there, because I honestly don't like to be that person who argues with others on the internet. Sometimes, though, I wish I were less shy because while I was reading all the arguments on the above-mentioned page I wanted to type, in big, obnoxious capital letters "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DIETARY VEGAN!"

Recently there is a trend of people deciding to eat vegan. I totally respect their dietary choices, and at the core, I am pleased that they are saving animals, even if that  is not their reason for going "vegan". But, there is just one thing that I feel vehemently about: if you eat animal products, if you wear leather or fur, if you think there is nothing problematic about silk or wool, then you are not a vegan. Period. Veganism is first and  foremost a philosophy of  compassion. We avoid to the greatest extent that we can the exploitation of any animal. We do it not because we want to lose weight; we do it not because we think it makes our skin look  great; we do it not because we have a  partner who is vegan, so we want to make them happy. We do it because we love every single creature on the planet.

THIS is why I'm vegan. Tobi is one of my best friends. My cats are also my best friends. I love my animal companions, and I see no difference ethically between them and farmed animals, or the wild animals that people hunt. They deserve a life of dignity and joy, just as do humans.

That's just my two cents.

Happy Tuesday


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