Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Happies: New research contract, VOMD's family, and cold recovery in progress

This weekend VOMD were on the road once again and this time we spent a few days with his parents in Temiskaming, Quebec. His mother is one of the best cooks I have ever met and made us vegan treats a plenty. This time we got chocolate peanut butter crispy rice bars and lemon squares! Both are, oddly enough, gluten free without her even knowing that I no longer eat wheat! I love it when things work out like that. She also made us cucumber and avocado maki!

We got to meet VOMD's cousin's new son, who is only 2 months old. He is so cute it made all the baby crazy feelings I get when seeing my nieces and nephew triple! Unfortunately I had to sit in the corner wearing a mask so that I didn't pass on my shitty gross cold, but still. It was awesome.

Then, on Sunday I checked my emails for the first time since Friday morning and I got a job offer for a research contract with a local non-profit! Wooo!!! The joy of getting a new job definitely made me less frustrated with my cold-related ear ache and my inability to not be a damn mouth breather. I start my new job next Monday, so you can probably predict part of newt week's Monday Happies post.

So this morning I am feeling very happy, especially because my cold is finally going away and I only have a mild cough and a stuffy nose. After a week of feeling like garbage (which, thanks to my shitty luck came right on the tails of a brutal period) I can finally go about 25 minutes without having a coughing fit and emptying half a box of tissues.

I hope you're all having a great Monday as well!

Happy Monday!


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