Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Food REgrowth! (Regrowing green onions and leeks in water)

So, a while ago I wrote a post about trying to be less of a passive  consumer. I started thinking seriously about how much we buy and how seldom we actually consider where our food and clothing comes from. In response to this VOMD and I have started shopping more often at local stores and buying lots of our groceries at the Hamilton Farmer's Market. But I was also interested in starting to grow some of our own food. Unfortunately, it is a little late  in the season to start a container garden outside, but I had read that you can regrow some food in your kitchen window using food scraps.

Well, turns out you can!

Check it; window grown green onions and leeks!

I also had some success with romaine lettuce and celery, but Lego and George like to hang out on the window sill and knocked them over a few too many times. 

As you can see a little bit the green onions and leeks were cut down to about two inches (and used in a very yummy stir fry) and the I just put them in jars with a little bit of clean fresh water (filtered water) and set in the sun. If you do this yourself, make sure you refresh the water every day or so so it doesn't get slimy. These took a few weeks to get this big, but they have a couple inches  within a week or so. 

We are going to use them today in yet another stir fry!

I do love this idea and now that I know it  is possible I will do it again and again. Buy once, eat twice!

Happy Tuesday


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