Instead, I'm going to bit a little self-indulgent again and give a little update on those annoying health issues that have been bumming me out. Thank you internet, for allowing me to indulge my inclination to over-share about everything!
So, I mentioned in my last post that we moved into a new apartment and I got some pretty bad heat rash. After the puking and the bullcrap I went to the doctor and he told me it was acne. I was like...whaaaattttt. No way was this regular acne. So, I went to a different walk-in and didn't tell the doctor anything about what had happened the day before I got the break out and he immediately said, "that's some killer heat rash you've got there". It just goes to show you that while most doctors are brilliant and well educated, they each have their own areas of expertise. I still really like my family doctor, but sometimes it is still nice to get a second opinion. The second doctor told me to take cold showers and drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day. Best. Prescription. Ever. Easy on the body and completely free!
A couple family members and friends wanted to know what it looked like, and I have decided to not be embarrassed about it and share a photo with you. This was taken the third day of the heat rash issue. It had died down a little but it was still very itchy and the cream the first doctor gave me for it made me break out around my mouth and cheeks, which really peeved me.
Two weeks later, taking my iron supplements (on the advise of my doctor for the previously diagnosed low iron issue), taking cold showers, and drinking about 3 liters of water a day and ... baboom!
So, yeah. Hurray for iron and water! The dark circles beneath my eyes have definitely gotten much lighter as well, and I have to say that I am sleeping much better this week, in spite of all the stresses of the thesis incident and the move to the new place.
Needless to say, I'm feeling some relief about my health issues.
I was nervous about relying on supplementation. When I went vegan everyone seemed to fall on one side or the other of this weird pro/anti vegan divide. Half of my friends and family were like "yes! you are going to be so healthy and perfect! do it! yay!" and the other half were all "but what about protein/iron/B12/whatever else?!" Admitting that I have to take a supplement to be healthy feels like I've let down the first half, and stoked the fire of the second. Also, some of my veg acquaintances are actually very un-supportive of my taking a supplement, which is very frustrating. There is a subset of the veg population who are adamant that eating anything unnatural is a sin against veganism and the planet.
But, I feel so much better right now than I have in a long time so I am trying to ignore those voices and focus on my health.
Here's to a happier, healthier future!
Happy Thursday!
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